  • Choose the right toy for your pet

    December 30, 2022 2 min read

    Choose the right toy for your pet

    Pet toys aren't just for gifts anymore, it's actually a must.

    Dogs are naturally playful and active. They have too much energy to stay still and one way of burning that energy is for them to play. If you have a big yard then that's a major plus. You can have them run around, set up some obstacle courses or have outdoor games. If you don't have that much space though, toys are the best option.

    But how to choose the right toy?

    Before you start shopping, make sure to consider these points in your decision making:

    Toy size

    Buy toys that aren't too small for them to swallow. Small toys may lodge your pup's throat. Even bits and pieces that get torn off may cause blockage eventually if they've eaten one too many. 

    Here's a video on what to do when your dog is choking.


    One thing to do regularly is to account their toys. Check if it's still not too dead with their innards all hanging out. Discard those poor toys to prevent your pet from eating fabrics and small hard pieces.


    Introduce the toy and play with them initially. Don't throw the toy and leave it to them to destroy. Toys aren't made to get murdered! Throw away the parts that got torn specially if you have small children around.


    See toys as an investment instead of disposable. Go for durability if your pup is a chewer. It is vital for you to know their behaviours and playing habits. Ask yourself some of these questions:

    • Are they chewers?
    • How do they react to squeaks and sounds?
    • Do they get bored easily?
    • Do they prefer plush toys to hard ones?
    • Are they protective on their stuffs?


    Look for toys that fits your purpose. If want to physical activities with your dog, get a ball or rope toys for tugging. Interactive toys are great to stimulate their brains. Plush toys can be their bedtime partner


    With so many toys to choose from you can't help to buy more than one or two and that's fine. It's important for them to have variety of toys that they can choose according to their mood. This will also help you determine if they're up for a hard tumble or just laze around with their snuggle buddy.

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